Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Hair Cut

I just got my new hair cut, should say I just had my hair shaved! My papa and mama still thinks that I looked best when I shave my hair, not so messy la. :p

This was me playing with something new.. Thomas Train.. my new liking besides cars, buses and trucks. But somehow I still not able to differentiate among these vehicles.. so end up I will call all as "CARS" haha.. Maybe when I grow older.

Below was a video that my mama find it funny. My papa had earlier on taught me how the train sounds when it starts its engine.. then I also try to imitate (mama thinks I sounds like letting out "air"), then I still need my papa to stay with me, I even pulled him to appear in the video. :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yang2, you looked so much like your Mama!!!! Haha, Papa Yang2 so "sporting" to be on camera..most papa(s) super paiseh type ;)