Sunday, November 26, 2006

Break Record

I wonder why daddy still needs to go back to work at changi since it was a sunday. Mummy decided to bring me to my wai4 gong1 wai4 po2 house. Daddy sent us there around 1pm. Mummy take my cousin's toys for me to play. haha.. since she was not around. (My grandparents are the caregiver of my cosin, so during weekends, she would not at my grandparent house)

When I was there, the activity I did were to cruise around the sofa, kitchen cabinet.. or anything I can get hold of. I will crawl in and out of the whole house too. haha I had my "tea break" (milk) at 330pm and my dinner at 615pm in my grandparents house too. I did not take my nap, mummy tried to pat me to sleep, but I refused. Maybe because I am not use to taking nap in my grandparents house yet. Daddy came back to fetch us at 7pm+.. what a long wait.

Thereafter, they still went to IMM (again) to had their dinner. But luckily they had their dinner fast enough and went back home straight after that. I almost knocked off, I went to bed at 845pm without even take my last feed of the day. Imagine I was not able to take nap or sleep for almost 8.5hrs..... ZzZzZzZzZzzzzz

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