15 Dec 2005 (Thursday), the day that I was popped!Halo everyone,
15 Dec 2005, I had finally arrived to this world. (My weight was 3.465kg, length 50cm, head circumference, 34cm)
This was my before and birth story:-
630am - I gave signal to mummy, which caused her to have some contraction pain. But she brushed it off and still went to work.
10am - I was rather uncomfortable in her tummy, so I gave a hard kick to her tummy, causing her to see some "red" when she went to the Ladies. Haha.. She then called her gynae, Dr Adrian Woodworth, who instructed mummy to go and let him have a check.
11am - At gynae's clinic, Gynae instructed mummy to go home to get her barang barang before admitted herself to the hospital.
12noon - Mummy went home to have her "last" bathe before her labour.
4pm - Mummy was admitted to Thomson Medical Center.
5pm - Gynae came to assess her and me, then instructed the nurse to put her on drip and I think the "house" that I had been staying in for almost 10mths had been leaking water......
720pm - Gynae came back again to the delivery room and instructed my mummy to push hard and I also try my best to squeeze myself together so that she can pushed me out smoothly.
abt 745pm - After 2-3 pushes by my mummy, I was finally borned. :)